February 28, 2010

French Potatoes

What we classify as good enough to show off, in public, in galleries, at the Olympics etc. What passes the test for US products? What doesn't? Some products are sold in South Korea before they are sold in the US as to see how well they did hear measuring whether the profit in South Korea would make a profitable impact in the States.

The separate consumer locations now classify social status and where you can shop. The separate portrayals of classy and not classy all depend on where you buy it rather than what you buy. Fashion judges everywhere seem to have thier eye on you in Reality TV shows like What Not To Wear and Project Runway.

The "Revocable Aesthetics" mentioned in Nicolas Bourriaud's The Radicant are served to us as the-best-possible-thing-you-could-ever-need and decided upon by a set hierarchy that was put into place by who knows who - God supposedly.

So if something else maybe unpleasant was placed in the window what would everyone say?
NYTimes - I think there was a naked person on a corner window and the caption was - "its not inappropriate it's art". So would you approve of a naked woman or man standing in a window display at a corner in New York City?

Well should there be limitations to some media? What media? What art? Should what is displayed in windows be something that can only be sold to the public? Artists can take that even further and represent ideas that are 'sold' to the public. Persuasive arguments that convince people to support this or that idea displayed in a corner store window. What about a politician's message or protester signs?

Is anything in a corner store window aesthetically pleasing because it is displayed as such? What makes it more valuable to be on the Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri rather than in the JCPenny outlet store down the way? I guess this is in terms of fashion, but fashion is 'supposedly' an artform where the public as the opportunity to wear it around in public for everyone to see rather than keep it in a gallery. Does the art of fashion mean since everyone can enjoy it everyone can dictate it?

According to the French, some American women dress like sacks of potatoes and look like ghosts without their makeup and hose, or witches with their flat footed shoes. So the french determine American fashion now? Well no. I am just illustrating the effect other countries and other perspectives have on each other in the art/fashion/music world.

(and maybe Jackie Kennedy)

One question Bourriaud asks;
"How do artists take account of the space in which they live?"

Through exploration and contact with other cultures something new emerges and an Fremerican or Amerench fashion emerges so instead of just looking like a sack of potatoes one can go about looking like...just Potatoes.

Now the world will have to strive for relating art and food in order to 'equally distribute' this necessity as well.

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

Scream - Michael and Janet

The movie I hope to include in the final draft in order to get a better sense of media critique and power. Michael Jackson will symbolize a victim of media like the America has been in Africa and Africa has been in America. Many misconceptions pass through this void and in this video I think he puts it together in an aesthetically appealing way, which hopefully we may be able to incorporate well and skillfully in our "interviewdeo" - where the perceptions of people help to clarify the truth about countries and the addition of music videos add emphasis and art to the mix.

Michael Jackson seemed to be very determined to clear up the misunderstandings about him and his family that the media tended to spread, later in his life. His effort was through interviews and when asked questions he genuinely was talking one-on-one with his audience. he knows how to manipulate media but as a human being can become victimized by it as well. Through interviews however he was able to record the Life of Michael Jackson series where the TV network was invited out to Neverland Ranch and witness what it was exactly. As a form of documentation these interviews captured what we think to be the true Michael Jackson. Jackson's point is that nobody know him better than himself besides maybe his family members, however people tend to believe the media because they are an 'objective' source. Well, abuse of that reputation comes willingly and fast, especially among a media form called "The Tabloids".

Our presentation went well, when asked where we were going I think we were stumped about where we could go concerning mainly our technological education about final cut. Now that we know a little of what we can do, perfecting sound and color and including online videos we can answer that with a well organized "interviewdeo" where students from Lawrence incorporate their perceptions, education, talents, and opinions together to find the truth while Michael Jackson adds his own experience and connections for appeal, relevant music media, the level of notoriety he is on and the new media era we are entering impacts us all - so hopefully this video can as well.