February 21, 2010

Speak Media?

Maybe not as good, but we are attempting to incorporate a video of non-Africans doing African dancing. This will incorporate the music we intended in the best way that catches the message and beat of our project.

Also hopefully a non-African speaking a native tongue of Ghana; Twi

Introduction = first impressions and expectations, short a choppy, maybe some leeway time at the end of some snippets.
Transition slides saying "On Africa" , "On America", "Perceptions" and "Reflections"

Body = perceptions, reflections, clips from Michael Jackson (either music or music video; Scream) ; still keeping with a short choppy clear and understandable message about the media in Africa and America

Video Perfection = Volume, transitioning, matching music to video, or audio to an embedded video, color content maybe can change (labels on the shirts and stuff in the background)

End = African dancing


  1. Sounds like a plan, what is your goal in having non native speakers and cultural opposites of Africa performing traditional african dance?

    I think it would be awesome if you could add some found video of people in Africa and their admiration for michael jackson. He seems very critical in the different perceptions of media in Africa and America for your project.

  2. The goal for having non-natives speaking Twi and dancing and African dance is to demonstrate that multiculturalism exists through dance and music and language educations. a.k.a cultural education.

    Plus it would look killer in the video ;-)
