April 19, 2018



Farewell to the West now
Welcome to the East

Farewell to the East
Welcome to Down Under

After 4 years in America, I quit a job I loved, and sold a condo I loved, and moved to Sydney Australia with my significant other.  It is about time I found him.

Welcome to the next adventure.

Arrived in Melbourne, Australia in August 2017.
Drove from Melbourne to Sydney which was the best thing we have ever done, Australia has a beautiful countryside, amazing food, and kick ass wildlife.
Once in Sydney I got the apartment set up, got the dogs settled, and started looking for jobs.

Sydney is a first world city, even with it's somewhat poor construction and lack of comprehensive and helpful websites.  It is still beautiful even with it's slow connection, lengthier response time, and passive social behaviors. After 6 months in with a few vacations, I am not ready to dismiss it.

The beauty will reveal itself in time.

"This earth, I never damage. I look after. Fire is nothing, just clean up. When you burn, new grass coming up. That means good animal soon, Might be goanna, possum, wallaby. Burn him off, new grass coming up, new life all over. "
-Bill Neidjie

2016. End.

"It's that moment of dawning comprehension I live for". I search for it but sometimes I lose my way.
Paulo Ceolho stated "if you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is lethal" Your everyday life will completely kill that moment of dawning comprehension. I want an "every-last-day"life and I do not want to be afraid of failure for that is the only thing that will encourage me to learn and grow even more.